Monday, September 10, 2012

Some Thoughts On Art

I'm about two weeks into my personal challenge of writing daily for a year and I've already failed. This challenge is so much more difficult than not buying clothes for a year. 

This challenge is about battling some inner demons, those lifelong companions, Doubt, Fear, Rejection and Procrastination.

This is about me creating something and putting it out for anyone to see. And that's scary.

It's about self discipline and making time to get better at something, just sitting down and doing it.

So, I failed to write anything for a couple days, but I'm not giving up. My sister-in-law gave me a book last weekend called, Art & Fear  by David Bayles and Ted Orland. I've only read the first chapter and I'm already inspired. The book is about why we create art and the fears that accompany most artists.

Here are some personal revelations made while reading Art & Fear and thinking about why I need to create:

Imperfect people create art.  We have a driving desire to take the broken bits of life and pour them into our work, turning them into something beautiful. Our art will suggest our flaws and weaknesses, but overcoming the obstacles inhibiting us from creating will be a source of strength.

Failure is inevitable.  It's okay to fail, it's how we learn and it's a risk that must be taken in order to succeed.

What matters most is the process of creating.  For me the experience of writing is what shapes my art as I process through my emotions and find my voice, I'm learning about myself.

 “To be an artist is to believe in life.” ~ Henry Moore

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